Gale Pacific Limited (GAP) is a marketer and manufacturer of branded screening and shading products for domestic, commercial and industrial applications with operations in Australia, Asia, USA, Middle East, Japan and Europe. Key products of the company include architectural shade fabrics, exterior window shades, shade sails, sun umbrellas, and an array of specialised commercial fabrics used for architectural shade, crop protection, water containment and screening. GAP is focused on growth through product innovation, customer development, selective geographic expansion, and brand building.
Gale Pacific Limited operators in Consumer Discretionary sector and under industry of Home Furnishings. The company website is:
The most recent GAP dividend details are as follows: ex-dividend date: 30/03/2023. This dividend is 1 cents. Franking percentage is: 100%. The payment date for this dividend is 01/06/2023.
Based on our analysis, from 2010, Gale Pacific Limited pays dividend 24 times. Total dividend is 28.7 cents. Average dividend is 1.2 cents. Maximum dividend is 2 cents while minimum dividend is 0.75 cents. We believe using more recent dividend history can provide better dividend analysis for a company.
You can also check out dividend history for similar stocks in the same sector as follows:
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GAP Dividend Dates
Please click the table header to sort the data.
Dividend | Franking | Ex-Dividend Date | Payment Date |
1c | 100% | 30/03/2023 | 01/06/2023 |
1c | 75% | 29/08/2022 | 14/10/2022 |
1c | 50% | 01/03/2022 | 14/04/2022 |
2c | 0% | 02/09/2021 | 15/10/2021 |
2c | 0% | 02/03/2021 | 09/04/2021 |
1c | 0% | 03/09/2020 | 16/10/2020 |
1c | 0% | 23/09/2019 | 08/10/2019 |
1c | 0% | 25/03/2019 | 09/04/2019 |
1c | 0% | 26/09/2018 | 04/10/2018 |
1c | 0% | 23/03/2018 | 09/04/2018 |
1c | 0% | 22/09/2017 | 02/10/2017 |
1c | 0% | 17/03/2017 | 03/04/2017 |
1c | 0% | 23/09/2016 | 03/10/2016 |
0.75c | 0% | 18/03/2016 | 04/04/2016 |
1c | 0% | 13/11/2015 | 01/12/2015 |
1.35c | 0% | 13/11/2014 | 01/12/2014 |
1.3c | 75% | 05/03/2014 | 10/04/2014 |
1.35c | 80% | 09/09/2013 | 04/10/2013 |
1.3c | 100% | 08/03/2013 | 25/03/2013 |
1.25c | 100% | 10/09/2012 | 03/10/2012 |
1.2c | 100% | 08/03/2012 | 26/03/2012 |
1.2c | 100% | 07/09/2011 | 03/10/2011 |
1c | 100% | 09/03/2011 | 25/03/2011 |
2c | 100% | 20/09/2010 | 22/10/2010 |
Dividend Growth Chart
A picture is better than thousands of words. The following chart shows you GAP dividend growth over the years