Glennon Small Companies Limited (GC1) provides investors with an opportunity to invest in a small & micro-cap investment portfolio, targeting up to 60 local equity securities. The Company’s investment investors with exposure to a portfolio of smaller companies and to do this through a dedicated specialist small companies investment manager.
Glennon Small Companies Limited operators in Financials sector and under industry of Asset Management & Custody Banks. The company website is:
The most recent GC1 dividend details are as follows: ex-dividend date: 13/03/2024. This dividend is 1 cents. Franking percentage is: 100%. The payment date for this dividend is 02/04/2024.
Based on our analysis, from 2010, Glennon Small Companies Limited pays dividend 17 times. Total dividend is 27.95 cents. Average dividend is 1.64 cents. Maximum dividend is 3 cents while minimum dividend is 0.75 cents. We believe using more recent dividend history can provide better dividend analysis for a company.
You can also check out dividend history for similar stocks in the same sector as follows:
GC1 Dividend Dates
Please click the table header to sort the data.
Dividend | Franking | Ex-Dividend Date | Payment Date |
1c | 100% | 13/03/2024 | 02/04/2024 |
2c | 100% | 13/09/2023 | 03/10/2023 |
1c | 100% | 15/03/2023 | 31/03/2023 |
2c | 0% | 14/09/2022 | 30/09/2022 |
1c | 100% | 15/03/2022 | 31/03/2022 |
2.2c | 100% | 14/09/2021 | 30/09/2021 |
1c | 100% | 09/03/2021 | 31/03/2021 |
2c | 0% | 24/09/2020 | 16/10/2020 |
1c | 100% | 19/02/2020 | 12/03/2020 |
2c | 100% | 20/08/2019 | 03/09/2019 |
1c | 100% | 15/03/2019 | 09/04/2019 |
3c | 100% | 28/08/2018 | 18/09/2018 |
1c | 100% | 07/03/2018 | 23/03/2018 |
3c | 100% | 20/09/2017 | 06/10/2017 |
1c | 100% | 20/04/2017 | 04/05/2017 |
3c | 100% | 12/09/2016 | 04/10/2016 |
0.75c | 100% | 08/03/2016 | 23/03/2016 |
Dividend Growth Chart
A picture is better than thousands of words. The following chart shows you GC1 dividend growth over the years