Russell Invest Aust Semi-Govt Bond ETF (RSM, formerly Russell Australian Semi-Government Bond ETF) is an exchange traded fund seeking to provide investment results that correspond to the price and yield performance of publicly traded Australian Semi-Government Fixed income securities, as represented by the DBIQ 0-5 year Australian Semi-Government Bond Index (the Underlying Index). The responsible entity of the Fund is Russell Investment Management Ltd.
The company website is:
The most recent RSM dividend details are as follows: ex-dividend date: 30/06/2021. This dividend is 41.51 cents. Franking percentage is: 0%. The payment date for this dividend is 15/07/2021.
Based on our analysis, from 2010, Russell Invest Aust Semi-Govt Bond ETF pays dividend 36 times. Total dividend is 698.13 cents. Average dividend is 19.39 cents. Maximum dividend is 72.7 cents while minimum dividend is 2.61 cents. We believe using more recent dividend history can provide better dividend analysis for a company.
You can also check out dividend history for similar stocks in the same sector as follows:
RSM Dividend Dates
Please click the table header to sort the data.
Dividend | Franking | Ex-Dividend Date | Payment Date |
41.51c | 0% | 30/06/2021 | 15/07/2021 |
8.02c | 0% | 30/09/2020 | 15/10/2020 |
72.7c | 0% | 30/06/2020 | |
7.63c | 0% | 31/03/2020 | 17/04/2020 |
2.61c | 0% | 01/01/2020 | 16/01/2020 |
2.61c | 0% | 31/12/2019 | 16/01/2020 |
16.92c | 0% | 30/09/2019 | 15/10/2019 |
12.03c | 0% | 28/06/2019 | 15/07/2019 |
22.88c | 0% | 29/03/2019 | 15/04/2019 |
11.74c | 0% | 31/12/2018 | 16/01/2019 |
11.29c | 0% | 28/09/2018 | 15/10/2018 |
7.4c | 0% | 29/06/2018 | 16/07/2018 |
10.33c | 0% | 29/03/2018 | 17/04/2018 |
12.71c | 0% | 29/12/2017 | 16/01/2018 |
10.62c | 0% | 29/09/2017 | 16/10/2017 |
16.14c | 0% | 29/06/2017 | 14/07/2017 |
8.96c | 0% | 31/03/2017 | 19/04/2017 |
11.63c | 0% | 30/12/2016 | 17/01/2017 |
11.06c | 0% | 30/09/2016 | 18/10/2016 |
15.22c | 0% | 29/06/2016 | 14/07/2016 |
30.94c | 0% | 31/03/2016 | 15/04/2016 |
11.68c | 0% | 31/12/2015 | 18/01/2016 |
19.39c | 0% | 30/09/2015 | 19/10/2015 |
11.96c | 0% | 26/06/2015 | 14/07/2015 |
26.33c | 0% | 31/03/2015 | 20/04/2015 |
Dividend Growth Chart
A picture is better than thousands of words. The following chart shows you RSM dividend growth over the years