Ricegrowers Limited (SGL/SGLLV) supply almost 50 countries with diverse, innovative and nutritious rice food products, and through our successful food ingredients and foodservice divisions, contribute to thousands of other brands and businesses the world over. Ricegrowers assets span Australia, the Middle East, the United States (U.S.), Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Pacific Islands and Asia. Ricegrowers has active interests in gourmet Mediterranean foods; food service supply for military, mining and healthcare markets; stockfeed and companion animal feed nutrition expertise; and is a food ingredients supplier to manufactures of household brands across multiple sectors.
Ricegrowers Limited operators in Consumer Staple sector and under industry of Packaged Foods & Meats. The company website is: http://www.sunrice.com.au.
The most recent SGLLV dividend details are as follows: ex-dividend date: 02/07/2024. This dividend is 45 cents. Franking percentage is: 100%. The payment date for this dividend is 25/07/2024.
Based on our analysis, from 2010, Ricegrowers Limited pays dividend 2 times. Total dividend is 78 cents. Average dividend is 39 cents. Maximum dividend is 45 cents while minimum dividend is 33 cents. We believe using more recent dividend history can provide better dividend analysis for a company.
You can also check out dividend history for similar stocks in the same sector as follows:
SGLLV Dividend Dates
Please click the table header to sort the data.
Dividend | Franking | Ex-Dividend Date | Payment Date |
45c | 100% | 02/07/2024 | 25/07/2024 |
33c | 100% | 02/07/2019 | 30/07/2019 |
Dividend Growth Chart
A picture is better than thousands of words. The following chart shows you SGLLV dividend growth over the years